The Brahma breed was originally from China and was brought into the United States in the 1840’s. They are a dual purpose breed with medium egg productivity. They produce large light brown eggs and tolerate all climate types. They are also considered to be an ornamental bird and are very docile and easy to handle. They come in a variety of breed colors.
The Buckeye originally comes from Ohio. The breed was first recognized as unique in 1904. Buckeye’s posses a rich mahogany outer plumage and are a slate color underneath. The Roosters have long iridescent green tail feathers and are very handsome birds. They have an average egg production and produce medium sized brown eggs. They will tolerate all climate types because of their tight feathers which make them particularly suitable for colder climates. They will even lay in the cold winter months when some other breeds stop laying. They also do well in hot climates. The disadvantage of this breed for the urban gardener is that these chickens prefer to free range and will require a larger chicken run. They also can be quite noisy and may become aggressive towards each other.
Delawares are a silver bird with black markings. They were originally developed in the state of Delaware in 1940. They are a dual-purpose bird, and are useful for both the backyard and the farm. Their egg production is very high and they produce large brown eggs. This breed is very tolerant of hot climates and they have a friendly and docile disposition. They are a very useful and easy to look after breed and because of their superior egg production I would recommend them especially if you live in warmer areas.
New Hampshire Red
New Hampshire Reds are a really good breed for producing eggs. They were developed from the Rhode Island Red in the early 1900’s in New Hampshire. This breed matures early, has large brown eggs, and has lots of strength and vigor. They are a ual purpose bird and weigh quite heavily; Their egg production is high and they handle all types of climates well. They lay an egg each day and their eggs are quite large in size. They are a friendly, easily handled breed and quite docile.
Plymouth Rock
The Barred Plymouth Rock is a very popular dual-purpose breed. They originated in New England in the 19th Century and are very hardy and known for their egg laying, broodiness, and meat production. They are a very friendly breed and are very easy to handle. They mature earlier than some breeds and their egg production is high. They lay large light brown eggs and if you are planning on breeding from them, they make great mothers. The breed handles all types of climates and they come in a variety of colors.
The Leghorn is originally from Italy and was brought to America in the early 1800’s. They were bred with other birds to increase their size and are a very popular breed for egg laying. Their egg production is very high and they lay large white eggs. They can be quite flighty and scared birds but if you raise them from chicks you can develop a good relationship with them. The breed tolerates all climates and will produce an egg each day. They also come in quite a variety of colors.
Rhode Island Red
This breed is a true dual purpose bird and was developed to withstand the harsh New England Winters. They are a very hardy bird with excellent large egg yields and they can also be used for meat production. They produce large brown eggs and can be slightly aggressive and noisy birds especially the roosters. It does depend on how you bring up your hens as to whether they are friendly or not. The Rhode Island Red is the State Bird of Rhode Island. They only come in the one color.
Rhode Island White
The Rhode Island White is classed as a totally different breed to the Rhode Island Red. They too are a dual purpose bird and like the Rhode Island Red they tolerate the cold climates really well. Their egg productivity is high and they produce large brown eggs. They can be quite aggressive birds especially the roosters but the hens will vary in their temperaments and it depends again how much effort you put into developing a relationship with them. Their color is pure white.
Chicken Breeds: A Quick Guide on Chicken Breeds for Beginners
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